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Summer Attic Invasions: How to Handle Small Animal Intruders

Posted on September 4, 2024

Summer Attic Invasions: How to Handle Small Animal Intruders

Summer is a time when small animals like squirrels, raccoons, bats, and birds may seek shelter in your attic. These unwelcome guests can cause significant damage and pose health risks. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do if you find yourself dealing with small animal invasions in your attic.

1. Identifying the Problem

The first step in addressing an animal invasion is recognizing the signs. You might hear noises like scratching, scurrying, or chirping coming from your attic. Visual clues include droppings, nests, chewed wires, or insulation. The presence of these signs indicates that you have some uninvited guests.

2. Safety First

Before attempting to handle the situation, prioritize safety. Wear protective clothing, gloves, and a mask to prevent contact with animal droppings or urine, which can carry diseases. Never approach wild animals directly, as they might feel threatened and react aggressively.

3. Inspect and Seal Entry Points

Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior to identify how the animals are getting in. Common entry points include gaps in the roof, vents, chimneys, and eaves. Once identified, seal these entry points to prevent more animals from entering. Use materials like steel mesh, caulk, or heavy-duty wire. However, ensure the animals have left before sealing to avoid trapping them inside.

4. Humane Removal

If animals are still inside, you need to remove them humanely. Depending on the species, this might involve different methods:

  • Squirrels and Raccoons: Use humane traps baited with food to capture and relocate them. Check traps frequently to ensure animals don’t suffer.
  • Bats: Bats are often protected by law, so it’s important to use exclusion devices that allow them to leave but not re-enter. Installing one-way exit valves is an effective method.
  • Birds: Birds can often be coaxed out by leaving windows open or using a gentle broom to guide them towards an exit.

For any of these animals, it might be best to contact professional pest control services to handle the removal safely and effectively.

Summer Attic Invasions

5. Cleaning and Sanitizing

Once the animals are removed, it’s crucial to clean and sanitize the attic. Animal droppings and urine can carry diseases like histoplasmosis or leptospirosis. Remove any nests, droppings, and contaminated insulation. Use a mixture of water and bleach to disinfect the area thoroughly. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service if the infestation was severe.

6. Repair and Prevent Future Invasions

After cleaning, assess any damage caused by the animals. This might include chewed wires, damaged insulation, or structural harm. Repair these damages promptly to avoid further issues like electrical fires or energy loss.

To prevent future invasions, maintain your home by regularly inspecting and sealing potential entry points. Install chimney caps, repair holes in vents, and trim tree branches away from your roof. Keeping your yard tidy and removing food sources like bird feeders or pet food can also deter animals from approaching your home.

7. Professional Help

If you’re unsure about handling the situation yourself, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Pest control experts have the experience and tools necessary to remove animals safely and humanely. They can also provide long-term solutions to prevent re-infestation.While we cannot help with pest control and animal invasions, we can make sure your roof and attic has no entryways that can allow them to enter. We can also repair the roof and attic damage caused by these small animals. Allow us at Paramount Roofing and Consulting to help you. Call us today or visit our social media page to get started!